TEFL Things that are making me smile…

Over the last few weeks; I have been collecting images, posters and articles that I can use for my TEFL adventures. I thought that I would share them with you all:


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I saw this on my Instagram feed...
I saw this on my Instagram feed…
I found this quote on Twitter...
I found this quote on Twitter…
An interesting quote with information I did not know; you're learning everyday!
An interesting quote with information I did not know; you’re learning everyday!
A list of things to remember!
A list of things to remember!

I am so sorry! Please don’t hurt me!

I am so sorry that My TEFL Adventures has been a little bare recently. I have not been well, my laptop needed to have minor surgery and therefore I had problems accessing to the internet. A lot has been happening though; when I have been able to access the internet, I have been following new TEFL accounts – both here and on other Social Media platforms.

For example; Claire and Anthony; who run the blog – To Love, To Live, are currently on the China Internship with i-to-i TEFL and ImmerQi. There have created a YouTube channel and I have been watching their experiences. There are also on Twitter and I am following them there too! I am love hearing (and seeing) what they are both doing while on their Internship. I bet live out there is much better than it is here?!


I have also been ding a lot of job hunting in the papers; I have not found much but it seems that people are hearing about me. I had an email from i-to-i TEFL asking if I would allow them to give my details to a new contact of the organisation. Of course I agreed and I am now waiting to hear from the contact. Also I applied to Pequebabies in Northern Spain in March; I did not hear anything. I assumed I was not what they were looking for; however a couple of days ago I heard something. 53273b418303e-135x135 I was very excited as I have been working with ‘Reception’ children since September 2014 – ‘Reception’ children are aged 4 to 5 years old – I am enjoying working closely with the children. I have been looking at Spain as well as Asia to start my TEFL Adventures properly. I am now waiting to receive some answers to the questions I asked. I will keep you all posted on that front.

I cannot believe that we are almost at the year of the 2014-2015 academic year. Officially we are now in the Summer Term; however have not seen much “summery-ness” about it. All the older students I am currently working with are stressed with their exams and revision. This in turn; has made myself and the other Support Staff stressed. Because of this I am not well, which I am not enjoying one bit! I hate being ill; especially as it has gone to an awful cough.